You've been a student in my class for long enough to know exactly when I allow bathroom breaks. Yet in the middle of my Social Studies lesson instead of taking notes you're bouncing around in your seat and squirming as if you were on fire.
I ask you several times to try to focus and to take notes on the lesson since a test will cover the material next week. There is no way that you can focus, the unbearable need to pee and relieve yourself is too much. If only a fire drill or a tornado drill would cause confusion no one would see what was about to happen in your khaki pants.
You see me coming towards you but there is no way to stop it. Before I get there that relief comes as you wet your underwear and your pants right in the middle of class. You're terrified. Will you get a phone call home? Are you about to get paddled? No little one it's worse than that I have a new undergarment for pants wetting baby boys to wear. I'm going to take you to my desk and put you into a thick diaper so that your accidents don't disrupt class again.
Daddy Paul
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